We craft truly frictionless games.

Flying Sheep uses the power of the web to make super accessible video games.
We create virtual worlds that can be enjoyed...

...without installation or noticeable download

...on different types of devices (mobile, desktop, tablet etc…)

...not just on the newest, but also on older or low-end devices

Selection of brands we have worked with

What happened so far

New Partners

In 2022 Flying Sheep Studios joined the iCandy Interactive group, to unite our forces and use our know-how to create frictionless experiences, accessible on all devices.

New working models

With the pandemic forcing us to work from home for a while, we learned to embrace and enjoy that working style and so decided to make “office optional” our new policy, and provide the most flexible workplace possible.

Active in the ecosystem

Beside making games, our team is also very involved in the local ecosystem, organising multiple networking events, having cofounded a coworking space, being founding members of the federal as well local game association, and supporting other initiatives such as the fem dev meetup.

In-house HTML5 Engine

To ensure the best possible quality, we built our own in-house dev tools. That enabled our team of 20 Sheeps to deliver over 200 of the best crossplatform webgames on the market.

Hello World

Flying Sheep Studios was founded in 2014 by Thomas Rössig, Daniel Nienhaus and Benjamin Cid Pérez in the beautiful city of Cologne. From the start, our goal was to build the best cross-platform HTML5 games possible. We soon started making games for some of the coolest brands out there, such as Lego, Barbie and DreamWorks.